Every positive thing you do for your partner...
is a deposit in your relationship bank account.
Little things add up over time. A tender touch,
kindness, a caring word, compliments, listening, fondness, admiration,
time spent together - all deposits in your bank account.
An affair hacks your relationship bank account - resulting in a bankrupt account and betrayal trauma.
Every negative thing you do to your partner, is a withdrawal from your relationship bank account.
What is the state of your relationship bank account?

Great relationships like beautiful gardens, grow over time. They need tending with kindness, caring,
good communication skills, appreciation, presence, commitment, patience, tolerance and fun.
In our sessions you will learn skills from The Gottman Institute's couples therapy. Scientifically proven methods, that if followed will help you to grow or rebuild.
You will also learn mindfulness based strategies and techniques to use in your relationship.
You will learn how you can create connection, and a harmonious life with fun.
There are no quick fixes for relationship, I ask you to commit to a series sessions which we will discuss at the end of your first appointment. The amount of sessions varies according to the issues in the relationship.
You hold the key to a great life, but it may be hidden from your view at present.
Our Blog Link: Articles on how to build strong relationships - click here